
This was a sponsored project by Rolls-Royce. We were challenged to rebuild the current training service model and identify a new market vertical opportunity to deliver an exceptional training value. We proposed BookAI for the Commercial Helo Market, a collaborative platform to assist training services remotely.


Strategist and Product Designer


4 weeks


Product Manager, Operations Manager, Product Designer

Sketch, Principle


Technicians need more practical skills for the Maintenance, repair, and operation(MRO) of the engines.


Rolls-Royce subleases most of its engines, and they are expensive.
Only a few experienced technicians are allowed to do the MRO.

How does this affect Rolls-Royce?

Rolls-Royce has to send an engine model with a technicians team to the company,
or the onsite company has to send technicians to train under the Rolls-Royce's team.

Both of these come with its cost factors and affects the Rolls-Royce's MRO.

Design Challenge

How might we ease the availability of the training and make
the technicians feel confident carrying out the MRO ?


Enabling remote training facilities with VR tutorials on a knowledge management platform.

This will let all the Rolls-Royce's Customers access training resources with ease.
They can share their experiences, ask queries, and communicate with each other
to speed the MRO with instant trustable assistance.


It started with understanding the importance of MRO
to Rolls-Royce

Only 4% of it costs an airline to operate a typical flight and is spent on maintenance.

But up to 65% of the overall operating expenses are directly or indirectly related to the engine.

Mapping the current ecosystem
Key insights
1. Need to break the traditional training approach 

The CDs and journals are useful and detailed resources but are a very dry medium for information intake.

2. High travel budget for training

The expenses of moving the engine with a team to an on-site location or getting technicians to train in the training centre are high.

3. Insufficient access to gain practical experience

Owing to the cost factor and limit on resources, a few handfuls of people get a hands-on experience.

4. Insufficient access to immediate assistance when they come across a problem

Customer support stem is a good help,but at times technicians would like to get more help from the people working in those domains.

Project Goals
Product Vision

What if Rolls-Royce provides a MRO training remotely on a knowledge-sharing platform, and collaborates to assist the others on their queries?

We aimed to create a Training Ecosystem with..
BOOK AI Bank Of Online Knowledge and Aviation Intelligence

New Service Flow

We constructed a high-level block diagram of the MRO service practiced by RR. TotalCare® is an after-market service provided by RR to take care of the engines leased by them. The detailed understanding of the system made it easy for us to know where to improve the system.

Identifying BOOK AI's value proposition

Userflow for the desktop application

Design Details

Book AI desktop screen designs

Dynamic Topics
Users can be inspired to read the trending topics

Users will be assisted with detailed instructions
for their query

Search Result
Users can understand the issues with the engine based on the error code

Interactive Learning Resources
All resources favorited by the user in ‘Favorites’, will be put in 3 categories Guidance, Professional Materials, and VR Tutorials

Search Results
Troubleshoot query
search results

VR Tutorials

Rolls-Royce has already built the VR model for the aircraft engine; based on the model, I designed the step-by-step tutorial. The subsequent screens will be seen on the desktop computer. The smaller screen shows what users will see from HTC VR glasses.


1. Iterate, test, iterate!
As it was a four-week design challenge, we did not get the time frame for usability testing. But surely, based on the testing results, we would like to iterate and improvise the designs.

2. Balancing business goals and user needs is key to the desirability of the product.
It was interesting how we had to propose a new business vertical and narrow down the project's objectives for the project. There is no harm in leveraging the existing solutions and utilizing it’s features to optimize the product design.
